
Kenna Class of 2012 // San Diego Senior Photography

Kenna's session was totally unique in that we found a gorgeous natural backgroud right next to an urban bridge.  So random!  I loved it...we were able to get the shots we planned on in the field and then totally mix it up.  I don't usually shoot in urban settings but this was just perfect. We had a ton of fun too.  Well she had fun laughing at me anyway.  It's rattlesnake season and I'm a little jumpy.  :)

And just steps away...

You are beautiful.  <3



courtney // senior portraits

Well they aren't technically senior portraits quite yet but that was the closest category.  This beauty is my baby cousin.  And speaking of senior portraits, I can't believe that time is right round the corner for her.  You've grown up so fast sweetheart, and I think you are just lovely.  Thank you for choosing me to shoot these.  xo

the camera hearts you.  i told you so.  :)